
Susanne has been at Pyramid since 2016. She creates manuals and data sheets, she photographs products and prototypes, and she’s got plenty of other things to do, too.

What did you do before you came to Pyramid?

After graduating in graphic design in 2007, I was employed as a graphic designer in an automotive advertising agency for three and a half years. After that, I worked as a freelance graphic designer. My last job before Pyramid was with a zoological wholesaler, where I was the marketing manager.

How did you become aware of Pyramid?

Through a classic job posting. . The position was vacant because an employee had gone on maternity leave. After the interview, it was a good fit for everyone right away, and so I became a part of Pyramid in October 2016.

What are your tasks?

I was hired as a graphic designer in Product Management (PM). My focus is on the technical documentation, like creating manuals and data sheets. I also take photos of prototypes and new products. And I also design the labels on products that provide information about certifications and test marks, among other things. I also create renderings (3D visualizations) as illustrations for technical documents. Another major area of responsibility is preparing items for printing. Among other things, we print on panels and individual components in our plant. The data for these print jobs need to be prepared appropriately. As you can see, it’s all very diverse.

Was there any particular achievement during your time at Pyramid that stuck in your mind?

What happens a lot of the time is that requirements fly in relatively quickly and without warning. And since we often manufacture products that aren’t off the shelf and are very customer-specific, the requirements vary greatly. That’s why you have to react spontaneously and flexibly and use a lot of your own initiative. So when I manage to find a good solution, that’s a real sense of achievement for me.

So you enjoy your job the most when there’s something new to do?

So you enjoy your job the most when there’s something new to do? When I support my colleagues with my solution in finalizing the products, so that they can be sent to the customer. When I see that everything fits together, those are the great moments for me.

Have you learned anything about yourself from your work at Pyramid?

Yes, definitely. My work at Pyramid has shown me that I am even more analytical and organized than I thought. Many people think that a person’s creative side and their analytical side are mutually exclusive. That’s definitely not the case with me.

Were you able to contribute a skill that you didn’t think was relevant?

My elephant’s memory! ! It’s really helpful that I can remember what happened, say, half a year ago, so that I can say: “Oh, that time there was this and that”.

Please describe Pyramid with three words.

Innovative, future-oriented and autonomous.

Please name three characteristics of your department.

Diverse, engaged and cluttered.

How would you describe the atmosphere at Pyramid?

Very collegial. People help each other out, and you can really work very independently here.

If you had to go to a deserted island and could only take three things with you, what would they be?

My husband and my jogging shoes, everything else is expendable.

If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Being able to speak all languages.

Either-or questions:

Steve Jobs or Bill Gates – Bill Gates

House or apartment – apartment

Beer or wine – water

Computer and monitor or laptop – computer with monitor

T-shirt or blouse – T-shirt

Sweet or savory – sweet

Summer or winter – summer

Apple or Android – Android

What else would you like to learn in the future?

I’m convinced that I learn something new every day. It’s never the case that I’ve already digested everything or know everything. I’m always adding new knowledge. That’s especially true in our company, because new products are always being developed, which bring new challenges with them.

What do you wish for your professional future?

The most important thing to me is that my drive and my motivation and my interest in new things will stay with me. For me, it’s not so much about positions that I want to achieve, but rather that I don’t lose my enjoyment of the work or my interest in new, exciting topics. That’s what’s really essential for me.

If you could work in a different department for a day, or let’s say a week, which one would it be and why?

That would be at the IT helpdesk, because I’m interested in programming and automation. So I’d like to be in there to find out what goes on all day.

What qualities should a person have for a job in your field?

Self-discipline, perseverance, the ability to concentrate, and a good memory are all good to have. So is cross-disciplinary expertise in graphic design and print production. Also important is a basic understanding of mechanics and technology, a good general education, and good linguistic skills, to be able to express technical documentation well and clearly.