Emily is 17 years old and is a student at Rotteck High School in Freiburg. From April 25 to 29, 2022, she completed an internship in our marketing department. As a blog reporter, she covered Girls’ Day at Pyramid. Here is her report about the day. Enjoy!

My Report and Pictures of Girls’ Day

Have you ever wondered how a self-service kiosk is made? Such a kiosk looks like a giant cell phone and has many different uses. For example, it can take orders in fast food restaurants.

Pyramid Computer GmbH manufactures such giant cell phones. It has its headquarters in the Haid industrial park in Freiburg. Girls’ Day was held there on 04-28-22. Ten girls and young women took a look at how the giant cell phones are created and brought to the people: from the idea to development to marketing. Hannah Müller, the human resources officer, organized this multifaceted program.

The first item on the program was an introduction to the Sales department by Stefan, the head of the department. Stefan studied business administration and had gained experience as a sales representative in several companies before Pyramid. He explained that women are very sought-after in sales, because they’re good at putting themselves in the customer’s shoes, which is very beneficial in their job. Also, he had a key message for the Girls’ Day visitors: “Sales is awesome!” He also ended his presentation with these words.

On to the next exciting presentation: Julia has been working as an Account Executive in Pyramid’s Sales department since January. Julia gave the girls an assignment: what are the most important character traits a salesperson should have? The participants came to the conclusion that sales employees should have a love of travel, empathy and confidence in order to be successful in their job.

Julia markets Pyramid’s kiosk terminals to McDonalds, one of the company’s largest retail partners. Have you ever ordered from a giant Pyramid cell phone in a McDonalds store? Julia finished by telling us about a great business trip to Florida, where McDonalds held a big trade show.


Hannah then taook the girls on a tour of the company and showed them the various departments. The tour was rated as exciting by all, because they got a comprehensive insight into each one of the departments.

Finally, two other employees talked about their jobs at Pyramid: Nadine works for the company as an industrial clerk, and Sven as an IT systems electronics technician. They explained the apprenticeships and dual study programs that Pyramid offers. Their big advantage is that you don’t just learn dry theory, but you gain a lot of practical experience, including at the production facility in Ichtershausen where the kiosk terminals are assembled.

The quiz game that followed was again an interesting and different item on the program. It ended in a draw, and therefore the prize was divided fairly and everyone was happy.

For lunch we had delicious pizza – free, of course. After that, Daniel, the Development Manager, spoke. He told us that, unfortunately, there’s not a single woman in the development department. Therefore, every girl who applies at Pyramid has the chance to change that. The job is very versatile and you have a different task every day. Doesn’t that sound good?

Then Anthony from France took us on a tour of the marketing and design department, which he heads. He also showed us a pair of virtual glasses, which everyone got to try out. “The virtual glasses are a highlight,” said Simona – and she is so right!

At the end of Girls’ Day, Stefan Brückner, one of the two managing directors, stopped by and answered the girls’ questions. He said that the most important thing for the success of a company is motivated employees.

When Stefan asked them for feedback on Girls’ Day, the opinion among the girls was pretty unanimous: It was a great day, they learned new things, had a lot of new experiences, and gained comprehensive insight into all the departments.

Pyramid is already looking forward to the next Girls’ Day and hopes to welcome you to introduce you to the world of technology and the company.

If you have any questions, please contact Hannah from the personnel office. You can reach her via the e-mail address personal(at)pyramid.de!

Bye for now, Emily!

About Pyramid Computer

Founded in 1985, Pyramid Computer is an international developer and manufacturer of custom hardware solutions. Pyramid Computer’s portfolio includes interactive self-service terminals as well as industrial PCs and industrial servers.

Pyramid Computer has already delivered over 40,000 order terminals to the foodservice industry. This makes Pyramid the world’s leading manufacturer of self-service kiosks for this industry.

Renowned international companies rely on Pyramid Computer’s industrial PCs and industrial servers. More than 1,000,000 servers are used in the areas of Network & Security, Imaging & Visualization, Industry & Automation.

Customer proximity, flexibility, modularity combined with innovation guarantee minimal time-to-market and best-in-class solutions for the digitalisation of industry, commerce, healthcare, transport & logistics, banking and entertainment.

Pyramid Computer GmbH

Boetzinger Strasse 60
79111 Freiburg im Breisgrau