Career Portal

Florian Produktion & Logistik

Florian Subrizkas

Florian and his team package Pyramid’s latest innovations and make sure they reach customers quickly and safely.

How long have you been on board at Pyramid?

I’ve been at Pyramid since August 2019. At that time I started in production, and in the summer of 2020 I transferred to Logistics.

How did you become aware of Pyramid?

I can thank my training for Pyramid. On my way to external training courses, I used to drive past Pyramid every day, and I used to say to myself, “I’ll have to take a closer look at this place some time.” And now I’m actually here.

Why Pyramid? There must have been other companies along your way!

I’ve been messing around with technology since I was a little kid and was immediately fascinated. Since then, technology has never let me go. I do all sorts of things with technology in my private life, too.

So, your work in logistics! What exactly happens there?

There are many facets to logistics. First, goods acceptance, where incoming components are entered into our system and warehoused. Then picking, which ensures that the components end up in production, and finally, shipping, where finished products are securely packaged and sent to the customer.

What’s a classic working day in shipping like? Does that even exist?

We check the current sales orders, so we know at any time which orders have priority. It can happen that a customer orders something at short notice, so then, we initiate everything so that the customer can be satisfied when he lays his hands on his device!

What did you enjoy most as a shipping employee?

Being the last to hold Pyramid’s latest innovations in my hands, and knowing that the way Shipping packs it, is how the customer unpacks it.

Did you learn anything about yourself during your time at Pyramid?

That I’m like a walking encyclopedia for many materials in the warehouse. You can always ask me where which part is in the warehouse..

Were you able to contribute a skill that you didn’t think was relevant when you started at Pyramid?

My memory. We ship so many different devices. Some are big, some are small, some are symmetrical and some have very odd shapes. Even after a long time, I still remember exactly how to pack a product according to our shipping instructions.

Please describe Pyramid briefly and to the point!

  • Innovative
  • Creative
  • Flexible

What three features distinguish Shipping?

  • Enjoying the work
  • Collegial environment
  • Lots of humor

If you could only take three things with you to an island, what would they be?

  • A flintstone
  • Parachute cord
  • Foil

If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?

Traveling to fictional worlds, because I’d like to know what it’s like to live in the world of Star Wars or Harry Potter.

What do you wish for your professional future?

I like it at Pyramid and I want to stay here.

If you could work in another department for a day, where would it be and why?

I’d love to work in Product Management for a day, because I really like building my own stuff, and then I could proudly say, “I helped develop this project.”

What were the most unusual pieces of equipment you ever had in your hands at Pyramid?

Our Polytouch devices are always unusual. Many of them are quite large and have lots of modules built in – scanners, printers, card readers. Every now and then we also sell devices with some overwhelming hardware. I. I still remember a server with 2 CPUs and 1024 GB (!) DDR4 RAM. I find something like that impressive. We also ship a certain kind of device that we’ve nicknamed “washing machine”, because visually, it looks a bit like it.

Your favorite pastime?

In my spare time, I like to tinker with computers and game consoles, and I also enjoy playing computer games.

Either-or questions:

Steve Jobs – Bill Gates? Bill Gates
Windows – IOS? Windows
Android – Apple? Android
Star Wars – Star Trek? Star Wars
Asien – Amerika? Asien
Comic – Manga? Manga
Pizza – Burger? Burger
City – country? city