Career Portal

Peter Engler

Peter joined Pyramid in 2018 and is a team leader in product management, with responsibility for design studies and engineering. He is particularly proud of a kiosk system that he played a major role in creating. The system became a success and bears the first letters of his first name.

What did you do before Pyramid, what were your career stages? How did you come to Pyramid?

I completed my training as an industrial mechanic at the Fischer company. I went to night school to get my master’s degree and transferred to the design department. At Fischer, I worked for about 8 years in toolmaking. After that, I designed photovoltaic equipment in another mechanical engineering company. After some time, I decided to change industries, and after some good discussions I started working at Pyramid Computer.

What tasks do you have at Pyramid?

My main activity is the preparation of CAD designs. Basically, I render the ideas that the project managers develop with the customers, and prepare the data for manufacturing. So, when projects get turned into reality, that’s where I come in. I prepare drawings and implement ideas, which are then built and finalized by Product Management.

Please tell us about any special achievement or special moment at Pyramid!

We worked on and designed one kiosk system for a very long time. Finally, the system got my name and was launched as the Peter-Kiosk (POLYTOUCH PE).

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The creative work with the CAD program, no question! I like to develop ideas, and also, I try out new things or materials while engineering the design.

Are you contributing a skill to Pyramid that you didn’t think was relevant to your work here?

I generally benefit a lot from the experience I gained in previous industries. It always surprises me how knowledge from previous years benefits me here at Pyramid.

Describe Pyramid in three or four words!

  • Cohesion
  • Freedoms
  • Lots of sheet metal

With which departments do you have special interfaces?

The biggest interface we have is with the product managers, because it is in direct contact with them that the implementation begins after the design.

For creating a prototype, we work very closely with the purchasing department to calculate prices in advance and check the financial feasibility of a product.

Of course, we also have points of contact with the sales department, because our colleagues there act as project managers and pass on the customers’ requirements to us.

How would you describe the work atmosphere?

Pyramid feels like a family. The team spirit has always been there. After work, people meet on the patio in the summer and wind down for the day. I like that it’s not too sterile. And even though the atmosphere is casual, all departments always give their best and push each other.

If you had to go to a deserted island and could only take three things with you, what would they be?

  • my family
  • my mountain bike
  • enough to eat

Spontaneity questions

  • Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? – Elon Musk
  • House or apartment? – both
  • Beer or wine? – both
  • Computer and monitor or laptop – computer + monitor
  • T-shirt or shirt? – Shirt
  • Sweet or savory? – both
  • Summer or winter? – summer
  • Android or Apple? – Android

What else would you like to learn in your job?

One big wish I have is to improve my English skills.

If you could work in a different department for a day, where would it be and why?

I would like to accompany our managing directors for a week. I think it’s highly interesting what kinds of influence you have in that position, and which decisions are made, and how.

What qualities should a person have in your job? Any tips for newbies?

You definitely have to be creative, have stamina and, above all, enjoy drawing with CAD.